Construction Management

Main phases of the construction project are listed as flows:

– Feasibility

– Preparation

– Planning

– Execution

– Monitoring and Control


Generally, feasibility questions the profitability of a project or business idea with preliminary evaluations. Feasibility studies are the business or project plans, which explain that the idea is a viable and achievable. Every business starts as an idea however every idea cannot end as a business. Feasibility study investigates if the idea is applicable and, if applicable, how practical they will be. It is the determination of conformity with reality by comparing the idea with the implementation. It is done before the investment phase and it allows to evaluate the potential business idea and revealing whether the investment can be profitable by self-financing.

In the construction sector, feasibility is important in terms of determining whether the investment to be made will be profitable as a real estate or business. Feasibility study tries to reveal the profit margin that the investment level will realise.

As epapilo Limited, we conduct realistic feasibility studies in the construction management service we offer to our customers. We evaluate the financial conditions correctly, matching them with the market realities, and reveal the feasibility status of the investment. We work on the earning possibilities corresponding to different investment scenarios suitable for the client’s capacity.


Construction projects (architectural, static, mechanical, and electrical) technically guides how the work will be done. After the project phase, the cost of the work is determined by the consultant on the investor side or by the technical office on the contractor side. At this stage, the quantity measurement is done by careful investigating of the projects. Quantity measurement will directly affect both the total cost and the profitability of the contractor, so it should be done properly and realistically. Experience is very important here. The quantity measurement is matched with the unit prices and Bill of Quantities (BoQ) is obtained. The experience, field knowledge, and up-to-date cost information of the engineer who prepares the BoQ is very important, because the difference between the quote and the actual cost directly affects the profit or loss.

Another element in the preparation phase is compliance with technical specifications. The selection of materials in accordance with the technical requirements specified in the project, the legislative requirements, and the materials and techniques used in the construction phase is important for the smooth progress of the construction phase and its completion at the specified time.

The final stage of the preparation phase is the preparation of the tender dossier. Tender dossier must contain latest version projects, quantity measurements, prepared BoQs, declarations of conformity with technical specifications, project schedules, financial information, cash flows, etc.

As epapilo Limited, at every stage of the preparation phase we serve to our clients: investors or contractors. In our service, which is supported by years of experience and the information obtained from our research on building materials and labour costs, we work for our customers to receive realistic results.


CPM / PERT / PCS are the Project Planning and Timing Methodologies which have been being developed since 1950’s. The most important functions of CPM methodologies are:

1-     Planning the activities or designation of the Work Order (Pursuing of Work Order),

2-     Identification and assignment of the appropriate labor and material resources,

3-     Determination of the Prebudget,

4-     Determination of the Real Budget for the Progress Payment.

One of the most important functions of a CPM Project is its ability to schedule and report the allocation of the resources. To achieve that the activities should have been defined in your CPM Project as:

– the quantity of its resources,

– the monetary value of its resources.

As epapilo Limited, we are servicing our customers with every aspect of planning. Over 20 years of experience help in servicing of project planning. Separation of activities, connections between the activities, time properties of activities, resource (HR and others) allocation, and budgetary calculations are the steps that we help our customers in planning their projects.


The execution phase of the construction project is the most intensive part. The efforts done so far, grows rapidly with the involvement of different teams in the project. The management of both the project, human resources and finances become more important. At this stage, material requirement lists are created, materials are purchased just-in- time, logistics are provided, payments are done, cash flow is adjusted, and Labour payments are done. Financial and budgetary control becomes very critical issue.  On the other hand, carrying out the productions in accordance with the project, controlling the revisions in accordance with best engineering practices and safety regulations, coordinating revisions between the design office, the customer and the contractor becomes important items for the successful project. In addition, the preparation and control of progress payments in order to make the contractor’s payments constitute the most basic part of the financial control of the project.

Having over 20 years of experience, as epapilo limited we provide all kinds of support to our customers during the execution phase. The most important part for the customer is to carry out technical supervision and financial control in a way that does not compromise engineering principles and building safety. We control and monitor the progress of the construction very rapidly to ensure that contractors receive progress payments on time.

Monitoring and Control

Construction projects are complex and comprehensive examples of “Project Management” methodologies. Every stage must be designed and monitored to avoid financial, qualitative, quantitative, and temporal failure. Main purpose of “Project Management” is to complete a project within the budget and time limit. Monitoring is the process of determining the level of a certain characteristic within an entity, situation, or event. In construction management, monitoring is used to determine the monetary, quantitative, or temporal scale of a production or situation. Control is the process of giving a meaning to the situation revealed by measurement. In “Project Management”, monitoring and control is the crucial step to take precautions before the “failure” happens.

As epapilo Limited, in each project managed we are monitoring and controlling each activity of the project. Our experience in technical supervision and financial control, helps our clients to monitor the progress of the construction. We prepare reports of monitoring to our clients in order to clarify the current position in construction and possible simulations. Our reports also include the possible precautions that has to be executed before any incident happens to threaten the successful completion of the building project.

Design Consultancy

Most of the construction projects are designed to satisfy the desires of the owners. At first the site is measured (or existing structure is measure), the wishes of the owners are listed and the architects design the structure as to these wishes. If there is an ideal world exists, the design is executed as to the architect project. However, most of the case this does not happens. There must be a bridge between the designer and the real world.

Our services include design consultancy that aims to be a bridge between the designer, owner, and the constructor. Our role is to bring the wishes of the owner to a design-able and construct-able level, to help designers to understand and design the wishes of the owner to a construct-able level and to help constructor to understand the wishes of the owner and help to construct the project of the designer. In other words, we serve as a interpreter among owner – designer – constructor.

Project Management

Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve certain project objectives according to the project criteria within agreed parameters. Project management has limited outputs with limited timeline and limited budget. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to meet project requirements. PM is the management of activities adapted to a plan in line with a common goal, using PM techniques. At each stage within the project framework (according to the project criteria within agreed parameters), there are lots of activities to be executed. The smooth execution of these works is directly proportional to the professionalism of that project manager. The scope, cost and quality of the project should also be carefully levelled. At this point, scope, cost, and quality norms should be determined according to what the field of competition requires.

As epapilo Limited, in the construction projects participated, we clearly reveal the requirements and expectations in project management. We determine the requirements realistically with our customer, considering the ideal target. After this stage, we express the achievable target clearly and present it to our customer’s approval.

The management of project stakeholders is vital to the progress of the project. No stakeholder can be completely independent of the others during the implementation of the project. Each stakeholder is an element that executes different part of the same project. The lack of progress of one element can negatively affect the other. Therefore, it must meet the initially defined requirements as necessary in each stakeholder. The most critical obligation in project management is to use resources in the most efficient way possible for a project. As epapilo Limited, we use all kinds of tools to ensure that resources are used in the most efficient way in the projects we manage, and we inform our customers with reporting tools at specified periods.

As epapilo Limited, we meticulously apply the basic elements of project management in our services. Five elements of project management: Time, Cost, Quality, Risk and Supply. In every element our experience guides us to provide excellent service to our customers. Every element is related to our stakeholder of the project so bringing good human relations help to achieve seamless results.

Construction Site Supervision

A construction project is executed on site. In order for this project not to be interrupted or disrupted, the project should be supervised carefully at every stage. Site supervisor has lots duties to be completed simultaneously, such as managing workers and subcontractors, helping project managers to plan work, managing orders and deliveries of construction materials on time, organising work schedule for the project team, checking that the work is done in accordance with the procedures and regulations. Site supervisor’s actions has great important result for completing the project on time and in the budget limits.

As epapilo Limited, over 20 years of experience in the construction industry helps to supervise construction sites under tough control. It is obvious that construction site is not an ideal platform as a factory site, however control on every issue of the site using engineering principles and building safety results superior results, which is proven by our project track record.

Contract and Sub-Contractor Management